
Morten Nicholls is cand. real (Master) from the University of Oslo, with Limnology as speciality.


These websites provides overview on the subject area Limnology, my experiences and some reports or articles that I have prepared on behalf of different employers.

You may take contact with the Water Man if you need any assistance.

I've been working with environ-mental management, where  emphasis has been on the natural environment, pollution, resource issues, land management and use of waterways. That is water resource management in broad sense.

After august 1998, I have worked within the public food sector, with special responsibility for drinking water regulation and supervision.


I have extensive experience with dissemination of environmental issues, both through different reports and as speaker.









Møte i FNs hovedkvarter i Geneve


January 1981 

Began at Norwegian institute for water resource. Prepared the administrative and professional assessment for the national project  "Samlet Plan for vassdrag" that should make consequense assessment for a lot of possible new hydropower plants.


February 1984 

Began as professional leader at the company "Avløpssambandet Norde Øyeren (ANØ)". Prepared a wide range of reports on water quality in rivers located at Romerike district and reviews on what measures that could be done to improve its conditions. I also considered the impact a new main airport at Gardermoen could have on the river Leira. 


August 1993 

Began as head of the pollution control section at the County Governor of Rogaland.  Implemented experience gained from Romerike district to facilitate the establishment of "Aksjon Jærvassdrag". Prepared an overview on which criteria  the sewage plant should satisfy in order to maintain or to restore the water quality in freshwater and in the fjords. I also prepared a document on how fish farming  affected the fjords in Rogaland.


August 1998

Began working with drinking water management at The National Food Inspectorate, later Norwegian Food Safety Authority. Have participated actively in developing today's drinking water management and water resource management according to EU regulations.I have also developed the National Target for Water and Health according to Protocol on Water and Health.

January 2019

Started my own water and environmental consulting service. Provides assistance in understanding the regulations, compiling data, producing shape files and much more. Contact The Water Man or email nicholls@online.no

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